Wear & Wash Tips


Your morning bra ritual:

The easiest way to put your bra on correctly is to start by sliding your arms through the straps. Bend a little forward, place the underwires beneath your boobs and make sure they fall into the cup naturally. Clasp the bra band and stand up straight. 
When a bra is new, it should fit nicely on the loosest hook. Tighten the band as the elastic wears and stretches over time. Adjust shoulder straps tight enough to keep your girls in place and supported, but not so tight that there is pressure on your shoulders. You should be able to put two fingers underneath the strap. Look in the mirror from the side. Your bra band should be at the same level all the way around. 

Feel the sides and below the armpit for any additional breast tissue that is not contained within the cup and move it in. When you've scooped all your breast tissue into the cup, make sure the fabric of the bra lays smooth on your boobs and nothing is spilling out.


Knowing how to wash your bras keeps them from getting damaged. 
Below are some tips and tricks to help you extend your bra's comfort and life!

Your pretty underthings need to air out so the elastic gets a chance to recover. 
It is better not to wear the same bra more than one day in a row, but to rotate several bras over the course of two weeks. This way, you only need to soak your brassieres in your sink or tub once every 14 days to keep them clean!

To help them last longer, soak them in cold water with a special lingerie cleanser, gentle hand-wash detergent, or baby shampoo. Be sure that you are using an alcohol and bleach free detergent.

Fill a sink or tub with cold water and add 2-3 tbsp of your mild detergent of choice. Mix the detergent into the water. Let your intimates soak in the soapy water for around 20 minutes. Drain the tub of dirty water. Refill with clean cold water to rinse and clear the lingerie of soap. Do not squeeze or wring the bra. Gently press the water out of your lingerie and hang to dry.

That's it!

If you use a washing machine, always use a lingerie wash bag.